Monday, July 30, 2012

Free Logo Ideas - 8 Smart Trends in Web Logo Design – Follow the Online World!

A logo design is, indisputably, the most essential component of a brand identity. Even for a company whose business is online, the need of a corporate identity is essential these days. A few decades back, internet was in its nascent stages and only a handful of corporations had online presence. But after the technology boom, the competition on the web turf has soared. Therefore, a unique and memorable identity is required for all web businesses to differentiate themselves.
For logo designers, the job of creating logos for web-based companies is all the more difficult. Many factors like scalability, readability and appropriateness of fonts are needed to be taken into consideration. Since the medium of display for web companies is mainly online, it is vital to create an appealing logo that can attract visitors to the online business. Today, I shall discuss the top 8 logo design trends that are being followed by web-based companies.

1. Badge Style

The online entertainment industry has witnessed an increase in badge shaped logos. But unlike the typical and dull badge style, these logos are more reminiscent of a ‘play button’ seen on most streaming websites like Youtube and Dailymotion. For the companies that offer product or a service which require the audience to engage oneself, this is a compelling trend as it makes the logo touchable. Famous examples include Itunes logo and the Blogger logo.

2. Talk Boxes

The online world has promoted a lot of chatting software and discussions forums. Besides, the social networking sites are also on the rise. All of these businesses have one thing in common…all allow their customers to communicate with each other on the web. Hence the need to show this feature of communication in the logo design is also essential. That is why most web companies who provide contact and chatting services adopt talk-boxes or speech bubble logos. Some online examples include TagCloud logo and Izea logo.

3. Transparency

Many companies are adjusting their logo design to give a more new and fresh feel to it. One of ways being adopted by web-based companies is the use of transparency in logo design. For logo designers, the ‘Opacity’ feature in Photoshop is a basic one, when used in a logo can beautify its appearance. Some renowned examples of web-based logos that use transparency effect are Microsoft Silverlight and

4. Original Typescripts

Nothing beats a logo design when it comes to originality of typescript. Uniqueness of design is one of the most essential features of any brand identity. Sighting this vital attribute, some web companies have come up with their own typescripts that they have used in their logo design. Among the many famous ones are the logo for social networking site Facebook and Yahoo who have their own distinctive fonts.

5. Retro Style

Another strange but common trend in the web-based logos is vintage or retro style logos. Employing fonts or styles that pertain to the 80’s and before is another trend to watch out for. It aims at bringing back the vintage designs that once were used by companies to portray their cultural heritage. Especially for online gaming sites that offer classic games, the use of pseudo-retro logos is suitable and appropriate. Some instances of this web-based logo trend that se the grunge or pixilated effect are Gamogora logo and Genieo logo.

6. Contrasting-color Words

Perhaps the most commonly used logo trend on the web is two-toned color combination. In this style, one part of the logo contains one color while the rest has a contrasting color tone. Before going on to famous examples that follow this trend, I would like you all to observe my blog’s ( logo as it assumes a similar pattern as well. Similarly, famous web-companies like Flickr and LinkedIn employ contrasting color combination logos.

7. Quadrangles

It is said that for creativity and uniqueness, you must think outside of the box. But when you change the dimensions of the box, it turns into a new and unique trend. Yes, I am referring to the trend of using Quadrangular shapes instead of the regular squares of rectangles. Some common examples of web companies that deploy this style of logo design are Loggly and Groupon.

8. Multicolor

Similar to the contrasting-color trend, another commonly seen design used by web companies is the multicolor pattern. After the success of the Google logo, many online companies are following the footsteps of this Giant Search Engine. Apart from Google, another web-based social networking site named Frappr adopts this trend in its logo design.

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